I just updated my career portfolio to Angular 17 https://mruanova.com/
Added new slider with angular material to switch the view of the grid and to filter data on the C3.JS chart.

I create cloud software architectures using the latest versions of ANGULAR and REACT. This website has in the Front-End a RESTful web service with an HTTP GET Method renders the JSON response in a list and a map. In the back-end an AWS API Gateway endpoint executes a serverless Lambda function in Node that reads data from Dynamo database. The Domain Name is registered in Route 53 and the website is hosted in an Amazon S3 bucket. CloudFront distributes HTTPS certificate. Examples HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript. Visit my GitHub account.
I graduated from Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from Universidad de Monterrey. AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (2019). Certified Web Development with MEAN (solution stack) (2017). Microsoft Certified Professional (2013). I wrote a book on Software Development Life Cycle methodology available in Google Books and a paper on Springer. I have very good reputation at Stack Overflow, Kaggle, Hacker Rank, CodePen, JsFiddle. Play Tetris. Play PacMan. Play JezzBall.